I used to sit on the 21st floor. Now I am retired

Monday, February 06, 2006

Quiz @ Unmaad

Here's a great quiz that can be found online. Pity, the answers not out yet. A significant part of the questions are not google-able, unless much thought is put in.

3 years back, D, J and I had put together a similar quiz (or a series of quizzes - 4 of them). We were numb, tired and sleepy at 7:30 am in the morning... after a night out. However, the adrenalin which a four-stage connect quiz can bring, kept us going.

Also witness the sadness which a slashed budget can bring. 3 years back (yes, I know I sound like a grandfather now), D, J and I had sat together all night for 2 nights in a row, culling google for facts to beef up our fundae. This was pre-wiki days. At the end of it, we had a great quiz. But no prize money. Some sponsor had pulled out at the last moment and we were scrounging for the last rupee. Hence, Arul and Anusptup gracefully took a cut on the quizmaster's fee (for the India quiz). We gave up on the prize-money. Got...

...Live-in coupons for the first prize (total Rs. 1500). CDs for second and third prizes. Eclairs for the audience. Compare that to 15000, 12000, 9000 now.

There was no money, there was no audi (yes!), there were no plushy chairs, but yes, there was quizzing!!

Update: Answers will be out in 3-4 days. They are waiting for everyone to take a crack. Which means poor quiz-starved souls like me (no quizzing in Mumbai) should rush.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah i remember that set of quizzes you guys had done then. Really awesome stuff. Dunno how you guys managed enthu to do 4 quizzes!

And unmaad has come a long way since then. There was still no audi (some stupid PGSEM program was on there). But we did it in MDC Exam hall, better than rec-room. And prize money was also good this time.

And answers to the quiz will be posted in 3-4 days, after everyone has taken a crack at it.

Monday, February 06, 2006 8:46:00 AM

Blogger dhoomketu said...

Yes, even we had some PGSEM program then.

I'm taking a crack at the quiz now before the answers.

Monday, February 06, 2006 8:48:00 PM

Blogger Ravikiran said...

How about you starting some quizzing fraternity in mumbai?

After all, this city has everything right about it, very rich culturally, musically etc.

Its about time the city had a Toastmaster's Club (Mumbai doesn't have one!, pune, hyd and Blore do) and a quizzing circle.

Btw, if you are in mumbai, do not miss some exciting action at the Kala Ghoda festival.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 12:59:00 AM

Blogger dhoomketu said...

Actually, it's not a bad idea. We already have two-three people in Mumbai who'll quiz. We can start by meeting someplace every second week/ month on a weekend day and take it from there.

Details soon.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 2:45:00 AM

Blogger GT said...

Try informal quizzing - each person brings 15 questions. Given the right quorum and the right amount of beer, it makes for a great Sunday afternoon pastime.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 7:47:00 AM

Blogger Mr. D said...

Yeah! Throw a quiz party, Cow..

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 9:54:00 PM


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