IITians on IITians
I am back again. After two-three weeks of serious mayhem, where we went working for fourteen hours a day, here I am.
While the team had many different discussions (which contribute at least 30% to the fourteen hours a day), the most interesting thing that I found out was that Chetan Bhagat has had impact. While the book is generally quite bad (I have read the first 40-odd pages) and reduces IIT to booze, bunking classes and discussing women (or so Mowgli says), it does manage to influence people in a significant manner.

In one of the IITs, a couple of men, who have tried asking women out, have had to face rejection because of him. The object of their affections had already read Five Point Someone and thus rejected them, saying, "I have read Chetan Bhagat, I can't hang around with boys like you". Can you believe it? If currently, things weren't bad enough with the sex ratio being what it is, here comes a book documenting what the men actually think.
And I thought that till now, the worst that has appeared about IITians was the cover of "The IITians" by Sandipan Deb. Just check it out. It lives upto all its cliches of IITians being serious, spectacled, badly-dressed men (Notice the absence of women). I don't know whether it holds true for the majority of IITians. All I know is that the authors are not doing their fellow alums a favour.
P.S. The existence of the cover and for that matter, the book was brought to my light, by an IIT-ian itself. Why do they do this to themselves?
Back onto the same circle. Duh!
Precious bandwidth frittered on this topic eh?
Various other topics of interst and debates beckon your creativity, logic.
Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:28:00 AM
sweetie, stop feeling bad, he's only making smoe observations, hardly any opinions of his own.
Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:49:00 AM
oh, and that's tau there on the cover?
Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:49:00 AM
Ex-IITian brought it to your notice to ridicule Sandeepan Deb .. how was he to know that his innocent revelation would be used against the very class to which he belongs? :D
Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:36:00 AM
Yes, one favorite topic is IIT. Will pick up various other debates/ topics, when I am done with this.
Friday, January 27, 2006 3:37:00 AM
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