Wednesday, March 22, 2006
About Me
- Name: dhoomketu
- Location: Mumbai & Delhi, India
Quizzing, Reading, Movies, North Star, World Wrestling Federation/ Entertainment, The 4 of us (including the man who isn't here), Boys in Bangalore, Food, Bombay, variety-seeking behaviour Also, all my views on these topics and others are mine and mine alone, and not any group/ organisation or company I represent, work for or want to work for.
Occasional contributions
Blogs I would have read anyway
Blogs I have met
- Neha Vish
- Aadisht
- Samanth
- Vantage Point
- India Uncut
- Sambhar Mafia
- Pertinent Observations
- Gaspode
- the Saint
- Bombay Addict
- Prufrock
- Buoyantville
- Beatzo
- Kitabkhana
- Buchu
- Patrix
- Jabberwock
- Sportolysis
- Arzan
- Confused
Blogs with many faces
Bombay Food
Cabbages and Kings
- Lothal Travel Guide
- The Bong
- Guide to CBSE
- Welcome to South Africa
- Indian marriages
- Homage to Kannada culture
- Flags of convenience
- Uno
Previous Posts
- Open Quiz @ Pune
- Tambrahmo Sapien Punjabeii
- Answers to Quiz and Bombay Quiz Club
- Pet ki Awaaz (PG advisory)
- Indigo Deli
- Bangalore...
- The Effects Of Cannabis On A Web-Based Lifestyle
- The Betrayal of Sonic Hedgehog, by Caravangeo...
- Boreback Mountains
- Anything but my favourite library

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike2.5 License.

hmmm...I find it seriously disturbing that the only one of those uses I actually knew of already was the bigger breasts. I need to get ESPN
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:10:00 PM
What you are suffering from is triviaignoranensis. ESPN alone will not do. You also need a healthy dose of mindless crap (like Mumbai Mirror) three times a day.
Otherwise, use random page on wikipedia twice a day.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:40:00 PM
True, true. Alternatively, of course, I could just get a different set of friends. The kind who have small warts.
Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:08:00 AM
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